The Pour Choice is Auburn, California’s first and only craft coffee bar and tap room. It is the marriage of all things craft with the aim of bringing people together, those in the shop and those locally and around the world who are creating the delicate, robust and unique notes found in the 28 taps at the bar. Come make pour choices with us!

Our Story
It started with a glance through the dusty window of the abandoned Auburn Drug Co. Black and white tile, marble countertops and imagining the hustle and bustle of a place that served the community of Auburn, California for over 118 years.
That window encapsulated one word for Jordan and Melinda Minyard: craft, and it answered a longstanding question of how they could marry their passions and create something to share with their hometown.
Craft, it’s an inexplicable, painstaking and passionate creation of something completely unique from others of its kind. Craft is what The Pour Choice is all about. With 26 taps up at the marble bar, ranging from single origin coffee to 18 unique craft beers, including four from local Auburn microbreweries, The Pour Choice is the living room of Auburn.
It’s a place where every drink has a story — coffee from the plains of Ethiopia or a beer like Moonraker, first created in a kitchen only a couple blocks away — and a place where every person comes in with their own history —- bikers finishing a 50-mile trail and want to relax with a beer, or a couple dressed up for their first or one-hundredth date.
Whether on a walk through Old Town Auburn or a pit stop on Highway 80 headed to Lake Tahoe, come in and make pour choices.